Fr. Slavko Barbaric was a Franciscan priest who
studied in two European universities, gaining a Doctorate in
Theology. He also spoke
several languages.
When the reports were received about apparitions in Medjugorje Fr.
Slavko was Vice Provincial of the area, and was sent by the
Provincial to investigate - some say to disprove what was happening.
After much research, he said he could not disprove the reports,
indeed something rather special was going on in Medjugorje. He was
demoted to an ordinary Franciscan, and although not assigned to the
task, he became a friend and spiritual guide to the visionaries over
many years. He devoted his time to understanding, interpreting and
living the messages of Medjugorje.
He travelled all over the world giving talks and retreats on the
themes of the messages - prayer, fasting, living the Gospel, the
sacraments, especially Reconciliation, Eucharistic adoration. Some of
his early sermons or talks were transcribed into books - 'Open Your
Hearts to Mary, Queen of Peace', 'Abandon Yourselves totally to Me',
'Pray with Your heart' and 'I beseech you, Listen to my messages and
live them' (also known as the Grey book, the Blue book, the red book
and the Yellow book).
But he also put these messages into practice. Mothers Village, for
orphans of the war, was only one of a number of projects which he
initiated, tirelessly supported and encouraged others to join in with
him. You only have to read the addresses made at his funeral to
understand just how much he has achieved in his quest to follow the
calls of the Queen of Peace.
On November 24th 2000, the day started just like any other. Fr.
Slavko celebrated Mass, and then later led a group up Krizevac,
praying the Stations of the Cross as they went. After they had
reached the cross at the top of the mountain, Fr. Slavko sat down at a
spot near the 14th station (where there is now a memorial stone), and
peacefully returned home to his Father.
As you can imagine, this was a great shock to everyone, and many
tears were shed. Fr. Slavko Barbaric had shown no signs of illness.
When the funeral took place, on Sunday 26th November, the feast of
Christ the King, thousands of people from all over the world were
there, with hundreds of priests. The local Bishop was there, but did
not preach or add anything to the local funeral addresses.
Especially upset were the visionaries. They had lost a deep friend,
but the message of November 25th turned their tears of sadness to
tears of joy. In her monthly message Our Lady ended by saying "... I rejoice with you and I desire to tell you that your brother Slavko has been borne into Heaven and intercedes for you" - a remarkable message :no other person apart from the Pope has been named in any other message.
I hope this gives you some idea of why so many still come to Fr
Slavko's grave to pray for his help. This is something of a summary of
this remarkable priest. If you want a more complete story of his life
etc. please go to the Information Office webpages - - and follow the link Fr. Slavko, in Memoriam. |